Scilla Siberica
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In the early spring, large drifts of this scilla form deep carpets of blue. With a trowel or small shovel, an ambitious gardener can plant 200 of these little bulbs in less than an hour. Next spring, each bulb will send up one or more stems holding its prussian-blue flowers. Tiny seeds from the flowers quickly mature into more blooming-size bulbs. Because the foliage is slight, grass-like and unobtrusive, it disappears long before the grass is ready to mow.
$0.54 each
24 for
$12.95 ($0.54 each)
48 for
$21.95 ($0.46 each)
96 for
$37.95 ($0.40 each)
192 for
$64.95 ($0.34 each)